What Are the Signs You May Need Root Canal Therapy?

By: Dr. Robert M. Taylor III


If you're currently suffering from dental discomfort and wondering whether you may need a root canal or another dental treatment, you can find the answers and relief you’re looking for at Robert M. Taylor III, DDS in Bay City, MI. With a team led by highly skilled dentist Dr. Robert M. Taylor III, our caring experts specialize in identifying and addressing the telltale signs that often point to the need for root canal therapy. Here, Dr. Taylor III shares more about what signs may mean a root canal could benefit you, what to expect during a root canal treatment, and more.

What does a root canal do?

Root canal therapy addresses tooth infection, decay, and other issues. Its primary purpose is to remove infected pulp tissue while sealing off the vulnerable tooth, enhancing overall dental health, and preserving the natural tooth structure. By undergoing root canal therapy, patients can often avoid tooth extraction and better maintain their overall oral health and comfort.

Generally speaking, root canals become necessary when tooth decay or infection reaches the innermost part of the tooth, where the dental pulp is located. During the procedure, Dr. Taylor will carefully extract the infected pulp, cleanse and disinfect the area, and then seal it to prevent further infection. This process not only alleviates pain and discomfort but also halts the spread of infection to other teeth.

How do I know if I need a root canal?

Prior to any treatment, Dr. Taylor will conduct a thorough examination to determine if root canal therapy — or an alternative therapy — may be right for you. The following signs and symptoms may indicate that a root canal is necessary:

  • Persistent toothache
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures
  • Sensitivity to sugary foods and beverages
  • Swelling of the gums
  • Darkening or discoloration of the tooth
  • Pimple-like bump on the gums
  • Pain when biting or applying pressure

How is a root canal performed?

Root canal treatment at our Bay City, MI office is performed using local anesthesia, often supplemented with sedation services for enhanced comfort and relaxation. After numbing the area around the tooth, a protective barrier is placed, and a small hole is created to access the abscessed tooth. The infected pulp is removed, the area is meticulously cleaned and reshaped, and Dr. Taylor III then seals the tooth, either temporarily or with a crown (if readily available).

How soon will I feel better after a root canal?

Following a root canal, patients may experience some discomfort and sensitivity for a few days. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage this discomfort. However, within a week or so, most individuals notice a significant improvement as the inflammation subsides and the tooth begins to heal. With proper oral care and dental hygiene, along with healthy lifestyle choices moving forward, the results of a root canal can be enjoyed for decades — if not indefinitely.

Get the tooth pain relief you deserve with a root canal in Bay City, MI

If you're concerned about potential dental issues or you’re experiencing disruptive tooth pain, Robert M. Taylor III, DDS offers a complete range of modern and effective dental solutions, including root canal therapy, to address your needs. Schedule a consultation with top Bay City, MI dentist Dr. Robert M. Taylor, III today to learn more about how root canal therapy can restore your smile and give you the dental pain relief you deserve.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.